Archive for category Visions of a New Age – Social Reform

Visions: Kindergarten Toastmasters

Sleeping half-moonAs I have said many times before, there is education in this country; we just need to get it available to everyone and down to the lowest level possible.  This story presents some of my ideas for getting the Toastmaster Program down to the Kindergarten Level.Smile

Enjoy!Red rose  Gwen Newclear The PoetPrincess


Kindergarten Toastmasters

When I was young I watched a show called “The Art Linkletter Show”. One segment of that show was called “Kids Say the Darnedest Things”. Art Linkletter would have about five or six young children (from ages 5 to 8) on the show where he would ask questions about life. This was the best part of his show; in fact, it is the only part of the show I remember and the only reason I even remember Art Linkletter. Children do say the darnedest things! In general, Art treated these children in a condescending manner. But every once in a while a child would catch Art off guard and make him look like a fool. The reason for this is that children are about Truth. So many adults, including Art Linkletter, have lived their lives so long based on lies and falsehoods that they have lost all sight of the “simple truth”. And that is what children are about; Truth. They haven’t been around long enough for their minds to be engraved with a web of lies.

For five years in my teens (14 through 19) I had the opportunity and pleasure to work with 5 year olds by teaching Kindergarten Sunday School and vacation Bible school. This was my only Sunday school experience and I learned the Old and New Testament stories right along with the children. I was ALWAYS blown away by their intelligence and natural sense of ethics. Believe it or not, but this experience challenged me to know more and more about the Bible which in turn helped me through my upper division literature classes in college majoring in English. And it is this experience that enables me to write this very important and powerful story.

A full-blown Toastmasters’ meeting would include the following participants:

  • Timekeeper
  • Grammarian
  • 4 Prepared Speakers
  • 4 Evaluators
  • Toastmaster
  • General Evaluator
  • Table Topic Chairman
  • Chaplin (to give prayer)

Everyone would participate in the Table Topic portion of the meeting. Of course, 5-year-olds are not sophisticated enough to self-govern a full-blown Toastmaster Meeting. But they can be introduced to Toastmasters in a very powerful, meaningful, enriching and rewarding way. This is what I plan to cover in this story.

The biggest problem with our educational system that leads to student failure is that it focuses too much on what children cannot do. The great thing about the Toastmaster program is that an individual only gets out of it what they put into it and it is TOTALLY up to the individual what they put into it. In Toastmasters the focus is put on what an individual “can” do: Disabilities are NOT a limiting factor.

One of the most rewarding experiences of the Toastmaster Program for me was watching others grow. I was always impressed with members that joined who were struggling with the English Language. It was miraculous watching them flourish into confident speakers. It was so gratifying years down the road in the engineering field when I would come across these individuals again. Many of them attributed their success in the engineering field to their experience in Toastmasters. And I was always so surprised and flattered when they thanked me for supporting them through the effort.

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life; that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. ——- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Toastmasters offer many paths for an individual to venture for growth. Speech competitions are held at many levels. Although I never participated in the prepared speaking competition aspect of Toastmasters, I did have the pleasure of observing a few competitions. There was a certain individual that I will never forget. The reason that this man stood out was because he had a severe speech impediment disability. But this man had found “his place” in Toastmasters. He was absolutely brilliant in the Tall Tales competition (a very popular competition). He actually found a way to make his disability work for him. He was absolutely hysterical and I believe he won at the National Level.

There are several books to work through in Toastmasters for prepared speaking. I only worked through the first book but I worked through it twice. The reason I did this was because I was so impressed with the valuable experience to be gained in that book. The first time through it I spent a lot of time just trying to get used to how much information I could get through in 7 minutes that I felt I couldn’t concentrate on the content and goal of the speech. It was through Toastmasters that I learned about being concise and to the point. The most powerful speeches are those of simple content. And of course these skills I have transferred to the way I write today.

So what can a Kindergartner accomplish with Toastmasters? Let me tell you, if we could get our young children to accomplish just two things, it would be a tremendous help to them throughout their education. These two things are:

  • To be comfortable speaking before others
  • To know what 5 minutes of public speaking is

So how do we introduce and implement Toastmasters at the Kindergarten level? A good introduction to Toastmasters would simply be to allow the Kindergarten teacher to introduce each child to take the podium and give a 3-5 minute speech.

What kind of speeches could a Kindergartner give? A 5 year old has achieved and accomplished a great deal. This is the time to help him express his learned experiences in story form so he can start to understand his life as being a series of many stories. Here are some examples of the “Story Speeches” a Kindergartner might tell:

· Introducing self

· How I learned to talk (first word, etc)

· When and how I learned to walk

· How I learned my alphabet

· How I learned to tie my shoes

· My favorite book

· Holiday stories

· The biggest trip taken

· My pet or the pet I would like

These speeches should only be about 3-5 minutes. But the last speech of the Kindergarten Toastmasters should be a 5-7 minute speech. The title of this speech should be:

  • My Kindergarten Experience

This speech will challenge the child to examine his growth during the past year. Hopefully, the teacher can videotape some early speeches and this last speech; and let the children evaluate their own progress. And wouldn’t these video tapes serve parents as a progress report? What would be more informative to a parent: a report card listing grades or a viewed performance comparison? We need to get education in the early years more performance, achievement, and growth orientated.

The next year, first grade, the speeches might revolve around a “Finding Out About . . . .” series. For example, children could give a speech on what they found out about George Washington, citing how and where they found their information. This is an introduction to developing good research skills as well as good thinking skills. But most important, we need to get our children “Searching for Truth” at an early age. We need to challenge them constantly about what Truth is.

It would be great if the children could have Toastmaster uniforms. Clothing can be a distraction and uniforms work to put everyone on equal standing. The children would need a step-stool for the full-size podium. This will make a visual impact that the Toastmaster Program is something that they are going to grow into. They are taking their first step.

At the Kindergarten level the teacher will be playing an active roll in the Toastmaster meeting. But the ultimate goal will be for the children to govern those Toastmaster Meetings entirely on their own. This should take place by the fifth grade if not sooner.

The role of the teacher will always be to support, guide, inspire and nothing more. The children will plan their educational goals and learn to evaluate their selves as well as their peers. There are several awards to be presented at each meeting. They include:

  • Best speaker
  • Best evaluator
  • Most improved speaker
  • Best table topic speaker
  • Best officiating member
  • Spark Plug (for that person who sparked the meeting)

The children could take these awards home and bring them back for the next meeting.

The message learned in Toastmasters is that everyone counts, everyone is important. It is best the place to learn Humility: the essence of education.

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Visions: The Toastmaster Room

Sleeping half-moonThis is one of my favorite stories to present, I can’t imagine anyone objecting to the “concept design” of this story!Winking smile

Enjoy!Red rose  Sincerely, Gwen Newclear The PoetPrincess


The Toastmaster Room

Although I have a “real passion” for architecture, I will not be detailing out any functional goals except what will be suggested in this story. The reason for this is simply that I am not qualified to make such suggestions. In the New Age, Architects will be working with the school board and public schools teachers for school design.

The focus of the New Age Early Education schools will be on Beauty and bringing our children to God. We might want to consider inscribing the following into each school so that we never forget:

All Children Are Gifted

In God We Trust

A highly skilled architect can design to bring light into a building beautifully which acts as a highly inspirational tool. But there will be one room without windows: The Toastmaster Room. This room will be an interior room, mainly because windows can be a distraction.

During my engineering career days I had the opportunity to be involved in two Toastmaster Clubs (during different periods of my life) and I visited a couple of Toastmaster Clubs. The two clubs that I was an active member were held in hotel banquet rooms which served beautifully in providing a professional atmosphere. Tables were arranged in a horseshoe fashion with a podium in the open area. The podium had a Toastmaster seal and was equipped with a microphone and gavel. The tables were covered with white table clothes and a “reasonably priced” dinner was served. As members enjoyed their meals the Table-Topics portion of the meeting was conducted. I learned quickly: not to put too much food in my mouth at once.

When I went back to Fluor Daniel after having my son, Nick, I heard that there was a “Lunch-Time Toastmasters” program offered. Some employees referred to this Toastmaster program as “Brown Bag Toastmasters”. Having spent so many years in Toastmasters, I was anxious to “check out” this Brown Bag Toastmasters. So one day at lunchtime I walked into the Brown Bag Toastmasters’ room. It was a small room with only one table and a short podium at one end. There was no white table cloth  or eating utensils, and of course we were not served a meal. The small number of Toastmasters that attended simply opened up their brown bag meals and the room quickly filled with an unpleasant odor. There were not enough people and there was not enough time to complete a full-blown Toastmaster meeting. Introductions were overlooked and the effect was dull and uninspiring. It was when the man sitting next to me “ripped out a belch” towards the end of the meeting that convinced me that Brown Bag Toastmasters was not for me. I could not see where this implementation of Toastmasters had ANY productive value.

When implementing Toastmasters in our public schools keep in mind that atmosphere is of PRIMARY importance. The Toastmaster Room should be a place of reverence. This is where our children will be learning respect, values, and social skills. Toastmaster meetings always begin with prayer conducted by an assigned Toastmaster. This helps to set the tone for an inspiring and enriching experience that a properly conducted Toastmasters program provides.

Here are a few suggestions for Toastmaster Room Design:

  • Wood trimming or paneled walls
  • Low ceiling for acoustical purposes
  • Room could be equipped with a projection screen for PowerPoint Presentations
  • Carpeting to keep noise level down to almost nothing
  • A richly designed podium
  • A time clock with three large lights: yellow, red, green. The time clock should be visible from the podium without the speaker having to turn his head.
  • Good overall lighting when Table-Topics are being conducted
  • Subdued lighting with spotlighting on the podium during the prepared speech part of the program.
  • Professional chairs and tables. White table cloths will be a MUST.
  • Since video taping would be beneficial for the students; video taping equipment could be designed into the room.

The message that the design of the Toastmaster Room must convey to our children:

  • They are very important
  • Their education is of extreme importance
  • This is where the most valuable educational experience will take place

We can only “set the stage” for our children to learn. The Toastmaster Room will be the most reverent and most highly regarded place in the school. It should be regarded in the same way the pulpit or altar is regarded in a church. The Toastmaster Room will be:

A Place of Reverence

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Visions: The New Age Teacher

Sleeping half-moonIn the New Age, the “burden of education” will be placed on each child.  This will enable public school teachers to develop and build on their own education to serve as strong ‘guides’ for children.Rainbow

Enjoy!Red rose Sincerely, Gwen Newclear The PoetPrincess


The New Age Teacher

Early education will be changing dramatically in the New Age. The “Burden of Education” will be the responsibility of the child. So where does this leave the Public School Teacher? Well, let me tell you, the Public School Teacher will be the most desirable position in the world. The role of the Public School Teacher:

  • To inspire education by setting example
  • To guide children on their education journey

Since autonomy (the ability to self-govern) will be the goal of the student; a teacher may only serve as a guide:

I cannot teach you anything, I can only make you think. —–Socrates

So how does a teacher inspire and guide children on their educational journey? The answer to this question is very simple for me to answer: Toastmasters International.

The primary function of the Public School Teacher will be to incorporate Toastmasters International as the focal point of education. Toastmasters International is an internationally accepted program for excellent reasons. The primary focus of Toastmasters is Leadership with emphasis on self-governing: the two goals of the New Age Public School Student. In my story “Kindergarten Toastmasters” I will outline how to implement Toastmasters at this level (5 years old). I will get it to this level and the Public School System working with Harvard University, the Jason Project and Toastmasters International will fill in the blanks for all other levels.

To transition into the New Age, early education school will require teachers and principals to attend their own Toastmasters’ clubs at school to obtain an understanding of how the program works. I recommend “teaching professionals” to use this time to:

  • Visualize how their students might run their own Toastmasters Club
  • Be TRUTHFUL about the past and present: what works and what doesn’t work
  • Experience the Toastmasters’ experience as a means to inspire friendship among students — set the example by being friends with each other (teachers & principal)
  • Compile “Best Ideas” to be presented at higher educational levels

The daily experience that public school teachers have is valuable and will assist in the successful implementation of Toastmasters International into lower level education.

One of my recommendations for implementing Toastmasters is to have written work presented orally and/or with visual aids such as Microsoft’s PowerPoint. This will require students to write well and it will reduce tedious wasted effort of our teachers.

Parental involvement during this instructional segment of the day will be minimal. Parents will only converse with the teacher at scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences. Any parental grievances, complaints or concerns other than what is expressed at these conferences must be taken up with the school principal. Hopefully, the principal may satisfy most parental concerns through the scouting portion of the day. The objective is to free and empower our teachers so that they may focus on the needs of their individual students. The reason for incorporating Scouting and military presence into the public school system is to protect our teachers as well as our students. The scouting portion of the day will work to provide parental involvement. It is imperative for the child to have his instructional time away from his parents.


The instructional and scouting portions of the day will work to provide “checks and balances” so that no child is left behind and ALL children will have “Equal Opportunity” for education. The reason for Toastmasters and Scouting is to keep uniformity throughout the system. Both of these programs inspire autonomy and individuality: providing equal opportunity supporting our US Constitution. But most of all: these two programs have a proven track record and have gained International Acceptance. This plan works to support President Bush’s “War on Terrorism”. In fact, I see it as his BEST WEAPON. Yes; there is something in it for EVERYONE. It is a “Very Christian” approach supporting our Christian Constitution.

Notice that I have not “spelled out” any requirements for the early education teacher. This was not an oversight; it was intentional mainly because it is not for me to decide. But I would like to leave you with a story to think about and reflect on as we transition into a New Age in Education:

America’s greatest president was Abraham Lincoln. He only had about two years of formal education. His mother was illiterate, his step-mother was illiterate, and his one teacher for two years was half-literate. And yet, Abraham Lincoln was fully literate and rose to be the greatest leader of the greatest Nation. He was a self-taught, self-made man: proving that education is about self-learning and self-governing. It is very interesting to note WHO Abraham Lincoln credits for his education:

Everything I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. ——- Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln only had two books available to him: The Bible and Aesop’s Fables. Education is mostly about ethics: belief. A person need not even be literate to be a teacher. The most important part of education is to inspire good ethics. It is not just “consequence” that America’s Motto is:


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Visions: Early Education–An Overview

Sleeping half-moonThis is my vision of how we can “jump-start” into a New Age of Early Education where the educational goal of each student will be establishing autonomy:  the ability to self-govern.

Enjoy!Red rose Gwen Newclear The PoetPrincess


Early Education – An Overview

The focal point of the New Age will be on the American Public School System: it will come to be known as the “Heart of America”. This system will serve the attending students as well as the whole community.

Education does exist in America. What we need to do is to get “real” education down to the elementary level and available to every single child in America.

Throughout my work I have stressed that belief and education are inseparable: we cannot educate without a belief foundation, and education in turn becomes our belief. Since the human experience is an individual experience and education is achieved through experience, then we can conclude that belief is unique and individual.

The purpose of early education will have two objectives;

  • To master basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic
  • To gain knowledge of self and self in relation to community

These two objectives can be accomplished in an infinite number of ways.

We have two organizations in America that have gained International recognition and acceptance: Scouting and Toastmasters International. Gaining acceptance on an International scale must be a goal for American society. We can “jump start into a New Age” by incorporating these “already proven” organizations into our elementary level educational system.

Toastmasters International is a leadership program that can be used simply to “discover self”. This is achieved through the evaluation process which is a major focus of this organization. In order to achieve autonomy, an individual must be able to “evaluate self”. What we need to do is to move away from a teacher grading system; replacing a grading system with a personal evaluation and achievement system.

Scouting (boy scouts will now include girls and be referred to as scouting) is an achievement oriented, self-discovering program and aids the child to see where his skills, interests, and talents can serve and benefit his community.

Both of these organizations are empowering to the individual because direction and level of achievement is determined by the student.

When I first started home schooling my son, I purchased some arithmetic books from a store called “Learning is Fun”. I would have Nick work through assignments and then I would check his work. I found this process tedious, cumbersome and inefficient. I ended up having Nick check his own work. And I only had to explain to him once that when you cheat — you’re only cheating yourself. We ended up using the Saxton Math Program. I was very happy with this program because Nick could teach himself math. He would only come to me when he couldn’t figure out something on his own (which was rare). When Nick went to public school in the 8th grade, he was placed in an advanced math class where he earned and A. Achieving autonomy (self-learning, self-achieving, self-evaluating, and self-governing) is the key to educational success.

In another story; I will give my plans and ideas for implementing Toastmasters at a 5-year-old-level. I have had some experience working with this age group and it always amazes me how bright and knowledgeable children are at this age. This is the age we need to start encouraging autonomy.

Our New Age school will be divided into two programs:

  • Academic and instructional (this is where Toastmasters International will be implemented)
  • Scouting: emphasis on community, sports, Humanities, Science, passions and application of academics

The academic and instructional portion of the school day will be under the leadership of the public school teaching staff (NO parental involvement).

The Scouting portion of the school day will be conducted by members of the community under the supervision of Military Officials. There will be a school principal overseeing both educational segments.

The Jason Project is a promising science program that needs International acceptance in order to educate more effectively. Therefore, the Jason Project will become affiliated and implemented with Toastmasters and Scouting.

The Architecture for our New Age schools will be magnificent and inspirational. There will be no custodial employees. The grounds and school will be designed to be kept and maintained by the students; this is part of their education. Students will also plan and prepare nutritious meals for breakfast and lunch. All of America’s children will be properly nourished.

Our elementary school facilities will be in operation 24 hours a day with at least a nurse and crisis line operator always on staff. There will be boarding facilities as a part of the school. These facilities will serve the following purposes:

· Emergency housing for crisis in community

· Visiting students or guests

· Summer exchange programs

The New Age school facilities will also provide free Daycare services for infants and toddlers: a service provided to ALL mothers throughout the community. There will ALWAYS be a safe place for mothers to leave their children. The elementary school children will assist in the Daycare facility; it will be part of their education.

The objective of “New Age” education is to provide students with as many “real” experiences as possible and eliminate busy work. Early education needs to be more about “real living” and solving “real problems”.

The New Age schools will also serve the community as an entertainment and gathering facility. Students will assist in planning activities such as shows, dances, fairs, ect. As a society, we are going to start supporting families and marriages and we will achieve this through New Age schools and education.

The “burden of education” will be removed from teachers and parents and placed where it should be: on the student. Only then can we hold our youth responsible for their actions. But it IS our responsibility to make education available to ALL.

Empowering America’s children will lead to the empowerment and freeing of ALL Americans.

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Visions: Individual Education

Sleeping half-moonWhat is education?  What is the value of education in American society?  These are the questions addressed in this story.  How we view education as a country is the driving force of the nation.  Right now the driving force is MONEY.  Focus on the individual through the Humanities, is that only way to get focus on living and loving all humanity: abiding our American Constitution.Smile

Enjoy! Gwen Newclear The PoetPrincess


Individual Education

The primary weakness of our early educational system is the emphasis on instructional learning instead of developing self-governing, well-rounded individuals. Students attend classes where a teacher instructs, and students are expected to learn the same material. Performance is evaluated by the teacher. Who has the power? The teacher of course! He selects and presents the material. The problem with instructional learning is that it is based on the assumption that we can “give” someone an education. This is false; no one can give anyone an education. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.

The damage of instructional learning is translated into the workplace. There is boss (teacher) who gives work assignments and the worker (student) who needs to be spoon-fed instruction. So where is the damage? Talent and individual enthusiasm for the work is rarely addressed. Many Americans choose professions based on pay. Individuals’ aptitude, strengths, weaknesses, interests and ethics are not addressed. In fact, our school system segregates students into categories: gifted and non-gifted or A students, B students, and C students.

There is an attitude that “work is work” and people either want to work or they don’t want to work. When I was in high school, I was a B-student. After high school I entered into the field of engineering. Early in my career as a draftsman, I came to realize that I had a problem with number-inversion. I was a very talented draftsman but I made many careless errors due to this number-inversion problem. I learned to compensate for this “minor” disability by checking my work over many, many times and having others check it over. In engineering, I usually had a couple of months to complete an assignment. However, what amounted to a minor disability in engineering became a major disability in other fields. For instance, one time I refused to take a three day “very easy” job with a real-estate agency. The job was to match lock-boxes with matching keys. This task is considered simple but for a person with a number-inversion disability, this task is tedious, slow, cumbersome, inefficient and impossible to perform correctly. One time when I was involved in a job search, I sent away for material to study for a job with the postal service. I was interested in this job for “job security”. I spent $80 for study material only to find out that the test for a postal worker involved extensive number matching. I knew I could never pass a test such as this. The $80 and effort was a waste of my time and money. I did not discover that I had a number-inversion problem until I worked as a draftsman at age 22; after college.

When my ex-husband, Matt, was in high school, his dream was to go to the military academy, Annapolis. When he took the entrance exam at age 17, Matt found out that he was color blind. He was not accepted into Annapolis because that school only accepts 1% of the color-blind people who apply. One time I asked him how he could get through elementary school without knowing that he was color blind: wasn’t he tested on colors in Kindergarten? Matt said that he just thought that he got his colors confused a lot.

Why didn’t I discover my number-inversion problem in elementary school? Why wasn’t Matt’s color-blind disability caught in elementary school? The answer is simply that instructional learning does not take into consideration individual strengths and limitations. Performance is based on testing and grading which is cut and dry; answers are either right or wrong and students are graded accordingly. Instructional learning leads children to believe that the world is black and white and there is always one right way to do something. Students who consistently answer questions “right” become self-righteous individuals lacking in analytical thinking. In reality, there are several ways to accomplish and many ways to answer questions.

But the real tragedy of instructional learning is that it is not about acquiring self-knowledge; the very essence of education. It is more about learning institutions working with parents to direct education which leaves the “burden of education” with institutions and parents instead of the “burden of education” being placed on each individual child. Parents and teachers are empowered — children are not. Because children do not have power over their own education, they cannot be fairly held accountable for their own education. I cannot count the times that I have asked a young adult what they do, what interests them, and how they plan to spend their lives only to be given a blank look and shrugged shoulders. And I truly feel sorry for these individuals —- it is not their fault.

So how do we transfer the “burden of education” onto the individual students? When I first started home schooling my son, I would check his math work like a teacher would and give him a grade. I found this tedious, cumbersome and worthless. Finally, I told him to check his own work and then inform me how he did. We both saw right away that Nick gained more out of finding and understanding his own mistakes (so did I). He could realize right away if it was a careless error or if he failed to understand something. But what about cheating? I only had to explain to Nick one time that when he cheats — he only cheats himself. I also allowed Nick to work at his own speed through his math books. He gained a sense of pride and accomplishment as he completed books on his own. I only selected materials; the Saxton Math Program was what Nick worked through on his own. When we put Nick back in school he was placed in 8th grade advanced math where he received As that year.

The American School Board will establish a core of general information and skills that each public school child must acquire. Outside of this “core education”, children will choose their own educational path as outlined in the Toastmaster and Scouting programs (see my story, Early Education for a New Age — An Overview). There will simply be core Toastmaster books to work through and core badges in Scouting; that every child must earn. It will be through selection and interest that will make each child’s education individualized.

What about evaluation through grading? There will be no grading. Evaluation will come from the student, his accomplishments and achievements. In the New Age there will be child, parent, and teacher conferences lead by the child. He will inform his parents where he is at in his education. The teacher will be present only to verify achievements and make suggestions. Conferences will always be positive. They will be about “establishing truth” and making plans for improvement and growth.

New Age early education will be about self-discovery, acknowledging our differences and coming to an understanding that each individual is an important part of the whole. Children will learn to depend on each other and experience situations that the Toastmaster and Scouting programs implement. And children will discover for themselves where their own interests lead them; choosing topics of study in the Toastmaster program as well as the Scouting program (see my story, Early Education for a New Age — An Overview).

In the America we have today, emphasis is placed on “earning potential” in the work place; what jobs make the most money. And education is valued in terms of future earning potential. In the New Age, Americans will place emphasis on the individual and his value to society. Education will be more about “discovering self”; and how children can grow to be self-governing individuals, respecting others so that we may work together as a more enriched, rewarding, and prosperous society. The New Age will value each and every individual as an essential part of the whole. We will realize our importance to each other and support one another in achieving self-knowledge and inner-peace so we may all strive toward the American goals of: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. ——Ralph Waldo Emerson

Building towards individual independence inspires the greatest enthusiasm. ——-Gwen Newclear

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Visions: Supporting Families

Sleeping half-moonA boy walk up to my son, when our son was at public school, the boy pushed our son down on the ground and my son’s arm broke.  All expenses were paid by us; the public school not ONLY claimed themselves NOT RESPONSIBLE, but we were harassed about it by my son’s teacher, Ms Heiler.  We could NOT afford to have me go back into the mental hospital, Charter Mental Hospital; we felt that we had no alternative but to TAKE OUR SON OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL.  Our first priority was to the well-being, health and SAFETY of our family!!!!Smile with tongue out  

Yes, American Public Schools need a COMPLETE OVERHAUL!!!

Sincerely, Gwen Newclear The PoetPrincess


Supporting Families

March of 1995 we took our son, Nick, out of public school. As the public school system stands today, I support home schooling and recommend it as a positive option. In the New Age, public school will be mandatory for every American child. But the public school system will undergo some monumental changes in concept and purpose. The primary purpose of public school in the New Age will be to support families by making education available to every single American child.

Here are some changes:

· No homework will be required. Educational responsibility will be on the child — not the parent or teacher

· Breakfast and lunch will be served at school prepared by the students

· Schools will be cleaned and maintained by the students through Scouting

· Children will be required to wear uniforms and shoes provided by the school

· ALL educational supplies will be furnished by the school. Children will bring nothing to school.

· Children will be given regular health, dental and eye exams through the school and all medical needs for the children will be paid for by the Federal Government.

· Boarding-facilities will be available for families in crisis

· Free-day-care and medical facilities will be available 24 hours a day.

· Daily public school attendance will be required for every child age five and older

· Children will graduate at age 14

· Public schools will be funded equally by the Federal Government

· Operating school hours will be 8:00am to 4:00pm

· Public schools will be open 24 hours a day providing a community crisis center

· Tutoring services will be conducted for basic skills as needed through Scouting (supervised older children leading younger children) during the hours 4:00pm to 7:00pm

· Everyday will begin with a meditative prayer to God

· Inscribed in the architecture of New Age Public Schools will be:



The ultimate purpose of the public school system is to make education available to each and every American child. The New Age Public School system will assure each student “equal-footing” to attain that education made available to them. The New Age Public School System will uphold the United States Constitution.

There Stands a Tree

In the Nevada Government Complex

Next to this tree is a plaque with this inscription:

This memorial is dedicated to the memory of all children in Nevada who have lost their lives at the hands of another.No longer will they be our forgotten children. This memorial represents their silenced voices. It serves as a symbol of our awareness of the plight of our children today and tomorrow who are at risk of the same fate.

In the Nevada Government Complex

There stands a tree with meaning to perplex:

It is a tree of remembrance

To remember those without a chance.

To remember those who are small:

Those who have no power at all.

It is a tree of remembrance

To remember those without a chance:

Those who died at the hands of another.

Where were father and mother?

We hear their voices

But what are our choices?

Is this a tree

Of Liberty?

Gwen Newclear The Poet


A Christian Society simply cannot tolerate our children to be “at risk”. ——-Gwen Newclear

Out of the public school grows the greatness of a nation. ——–Mark Twain

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Visions: Newclear Public School

Sleeping half-moonThis outlines my ideas of “a first step” in getting “real education” down to lower levels; freeing all citizens. 

Of course, this is a general outline with the purpose of leading our young people to establish full autonomy by age 16 (living separate and independent from parents; and standing accountable for their actions).Smile

Enjoy!Red rose  Gwen Newclear The PoetPrincess


Newclear Public School

Public School Evolving:  Meeting the Needs of the American People


Presenting The Newclear Plan:

New Age Education in America granting ALL Americans LIBERTY!

Our American Government Buildings are Beautiful

American Public Schools must be the most beautiful buildings in America


A beautiful time to cherish;

The time America will bring its children to God.

New Age Schools will include boarding facilities for:

• Children who are victims of family crisis

• Children who need more assistance

• Visiting students for specialized education


New Age Public School will be grades K through 8th (ages 5 – 14).

Intermediate school and high school will be eliminated.

All children will graduate from Public School and enter: Military College Academy (a boarding facility separate from parents). Students will graduate at 16:

• With an AA degree in the English Language

• Completed college level general education

• A driver’s license

• Two years community service work experience

• Enough money to make a down payment on a car


Sites for New Age Schools:

• Existing elementary and intermediate schools will serve as sites for New Age Public School.

• Existing high schools and junior colleges will serve as existing sites for mandatory Military College (where all students will graduated at age 16).


Public Schools will include:

24 Hour Day Care for ALL ages


Nursing Staff available to assist ALL:

• infants

• mothers

• expectant mothers


Infants and toddlers (pre-school) age; this an adorable and a wondrous time that can also be stressful and taxing even for healthy, strong mothers. The demands of motherhood can be downright “exhausting”! Educating and providing stimulating entertainment for toddlers is fun and imaginative, but can also be costly and a major time investment; and it can be messy, placing unnecessary demands on young growing families.

Time away from mom can be a healthy experience. Public School Day Care provides a “safe place” for toddlers to learn to know and trust others. Young children provide leadership for infants and toddlers, serving family and community. 5-year-olds share many interests with toddlers making them great playmates (leaders).

Children will care for and maintain their beautiful schools as part of their education.


The Toastmaster Room: will be the most elegant, state-of-the-art technology room of each New Age Public School. It will be a place of REVERANCE and RESPECT. The knowledge that; “Their turn at the podium is coming” makes Toastmasters a wonderful place for American children to learn:

Humility & Respect



Public School will serve to:

• Support families

• Provide a safe 24 hour environment

• Monitor and assist with health throughout the community


It is never too early to encourage independent learning.

Reading out loud, story-telling, presentation of personal works, and discussion of works should be encouraged at ALL levels of education. LISTENING to the written word helps to develop reading skills and aids children in discerning: poor writing from quality writing.

Writing is thinking.


Journal writing emphasizes that ALL writing is based on personal experience: Autobiographical.

It also encourages self-exploration which is the essence of education.

Opinion is power. —– Thomas Jefferson


Group hands-on-learning encourages cooperation, respect and sharing ideas.

A marching band is an opportunity to be “A Part of the Whole”. Achievement and success comes with rehearsal, talent, practice, and working with others.


The book that the US Constitution is based on, The Bible: will be made available in Public School.

Education enriches our personal life.

A Poet Museum with be included in American Government continuing to make education available to all Americans.

A Poet Museum: is a place to share Self-Exploration (education) for the rest of our lives.

A Poet Museum is about Living.

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Visions: America’s Educational Dilemma

Sleeping half-moonThis is the argument for mandatory public schooling where education will be “student driven” where all students will have “equal footing” as our US Constitution requires.  ATONOMY (the ability to self-govern): will be the Public School Goal. SmileWinking smile

Enjoy!Red rose  Sincerely, Gwen Newclear The PoetPrincess

America’s Educational Dilemma

All children MUST have:


To ensure that all American children are granted their right to Equal Opportunity for Education:

Public School MUST be Mandatory.


CONFLICT DILEMMA: It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to force parents to subject their children to the UNGODLY American Public School System.

The only one answer:

The American Public School System

Must Teach Christianity: the Belief of this Nation;

The belief that our US Constitution was founded;

The belief that serves as the foundation for American Law.


A New Dilemma:

How do we Teach Christianity and maintain: “Freedom of Belief” for all American people?

The answer is simple:

The essence of Christianity:

Believe in yourself

And respect everyone else

is also the only belief (attitude) which allows education to flourish.

CHRISTIANITY is about personal empowerment.

EDUCATION is about personal empowerment.

To maintain “Freedom of Belief” for each individual,

Each child must be responsible for his own education.


As a society,

We can only make education available to ALL children. In a Christian Public School, children lead the way in determining what their education will be.

How can this be accomplished without utter chaos?



Education DOES exist in America it just is NOT available to all Americans which is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

America already has two proven, “Internationally Accepted” Programs

Of Leadership and Education (education through experience):

Scouting and Toastmasters International

Both programs include: GOD.

The Jason Project:

This project has exciting potential and needs to gain International acceptance:

A science project headed by founder: Dr. Ballard

Toastmasters, Scouting and the Jason Project will be integrated:

New Age Public School Education will require that each child “custom design” his own education while mastering basic skills



American Public School will be about Truth:

YOU will only get out of your education

What YOU put into your education.

No one can GIVE anyone else an education; and that’s the Truth.

Only when we empower children to be responsible for their own education can we hold them ACCOUNTABLE.


Achievement will be recognized, awarded and tracked by . . . . . . .

Merits of Achievement:




Technology has advanced to a state where performance can be recorded and stored economically.


To insure students equal-footing among their peers, all students will be required to wear uniforms provided by the Public School System (supporting American families).


When boys and girls; young men and women are educated together; they learn to respect each other. Scouting started out as a male-oriented nature/survival training program and has evolved to include introduction to many professions guided by professionals; introduction to Humanities and the Arts; and introduction to American Government.

Toastmasters: started out as a Communication and Leadership Program for men. In the 1970’s the club was opened to women.

The focus of the program includes:

• Prepared Public Speaking

• Impromptu Speaking

• Leadership

• Evaluation of self and others

• Coordination of Meetings

• Time Keeping

• Respect and Introduction

• Recognition of Achievement

The Toastmasters’ Program is worked through by completing a series of prepared speaking exercise books. The program may be implemented into Public School by including book series for research and studies in the following areas:

• History

• English and Literature

• Social Studies

• Science

• Government


Kindergarten: at age 5 children enter mandatory Public School. This is the one age group I have had the opportunity to work with: 5-year-olds. In my story, Kindergarten Toastmasters, I outline how Toastmasters can be implemented at the Kindergarten level (And I know that they can do it!).

The expertise of the American Public School System can take it from there to fill in the blanks so that by the 5th grade students will be running “full-blown” Toastmaster Meetings on their own with no adult guidance.

ROLE OF TEACHER: Will serve as an inspirational guide learning right along with the students assuming an attitude of humility.

EDUCATION: will be Performance based with focus on Personal Experience

ATONOMY (the ability to self-govern): will be the Public School Goal.

We only hit what we aim at. — Henry David Thoreau

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Visions: Argument for Educational Reform

If you have been following my other blogs and find yourself wondering and asking:  Where is Gwen Newclear going with all of her stories?  And this is an excellent question.  The answer is simply this:  all of my stories were written in an attempt to illustrate the need for social reform in this country.  Social Reform Writing presented in fiction, is not some new in this country. I was influenced in my teens by two fiction novels that initiated  much social change in our nation. 

First was The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.  It is largely due to the truths Sinclair presented about the meat-packing industry during the industrial revolution that brought about the food quality standards that we enjoy in America today.  It also illustrated the exploitation of immigrant workers which included women and children.  This novel was largely responsible for bringing about and supporting a mandatory public school system for the protection of children.  Note:  The truths Sinclair presents in this novel about corruption are absolutely shocking and disgusting beyond belief.  It is hard to believe that it took place in America.  Sometimes the truth is ugly; but only with the truth is established can evil be overcome.  And this nation has a history of “OVERCOMING”.

Second was To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.  This work still has much significance today in illustrating WHY there is just no place for racial discrimination in this country.  It is the poorest form of leadership.

My works are autobiographical; but they are fiction; meaning that there was no intent to hurt any individuals in my stories.  I present MY TRUTH for greater understanding of the Human Condition; only after truthful evaluation can we leave this beautiful FREE Nation of ours a better place.  It is time to take the “next step” in this evolving American Christian Democracy.

Sincerely, Gwen Newclear; American English Poetry QueenPrincess


Argument for Educational Reform

Education in America will be evolving to support our Government US Constitution. Education in America today, revolves around instructional based learning. Instructional learning assumes that the instructor “knows” what the students need to learn; it assumes that all students need to learn the same thing. Instructional learning prepares students for a dictatorship government. 

Conflict: America is NOT a dictatorship; America is a democracy.


Instructional learning includes an evaluation process:

· Testing

· Grading

· Examinations

TEACHER has the ultimate power. But democracy is about “Power to the People”.

Problem: testing and grading systems allow for failure.

Grading encourages bragging and boastfulness amongst students. It suggests that some students are better than others; and illustrates little about performance. A Christian education NEVER leaves children and young people feeling discouraged and hopeless.

What does multiple choice testing prove? Doesn’t this testing encourage students to become “good guessers”?

Our existing educational system promotes elitism:

• instructional based

• testing, grading and examination based evaluation

Part of the learning process is work and rework — learning through making mistakes. Cheating is the result of boring, ineffective education. There are no reasons to cheat when education is about truth:

personal experience



Reading “required material” can be a grueling experience with no personal satisfaction or rewards. When children select their own reading materials the lights light up! Learning takes place naturally:

Motivation is the key.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. —– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Motivation is that driving force that comes from within. Prayer is as American as Christianity. In the 1960s, prayer was removed from public school. And now there is a movement in this country to remove God from American Public Schools. Why? Performance-based education does NOT support elitism. Teachers are not so “all-powerful” when “everyone” has the chance to evaluate for themselves. Sports are being systematically removed from American Public Schools for the same reason: Performance is “out there” for everyone to see.

Early education schools should not assign homework. Home time is to spend with family, family obligations, relaxation, fun, and leisure. Children need plenty of time to enjoy hobbies and interests which play an important role in “self-discovery”. They need time to explore and enjoy nature, appreciating God’s world and all of His beautiful gifts. And sometimes children need time to just day-dream and stare.


Just what does a high school education mean in America? How effective is American Education?

One answer: look at the requirements of the American workplace: Look through the want-ads of American Newspapers. Here are some of the requirements I have run across again and again:

Experience Necessary


Ability to work independently

I have NEVER seen a want-ad that read:

Looking for someone who does what they are told.

Looking for someone who follows instruction

(This is the product of today’s public school instructional learning.)

The American Workplace searches for “thinking individuals” who have already proven themselves capable through experience:

Self-governing, experienced individuals

Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. —- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Shouldn’t education be:

• a succession of experiences to learn living skills?

• about HOW we are going to live our lives?

The purpose of education: to give our lives direction so that we may flourish into responsible, productive citizens of our community and understand how we depend on each other. A successful democracy “requires” an educated and thinking population. Graduation should not represent completion, but rather, the start of a life long journey: discovery for life’s purpose, God’s Divine Plan for each one of us.


Education is about:

“An Attitude for Learning”: an attitude of humility and joy. We have succeeded when our children come to view education as a luxury, an enjoyable way to spend “free time”.

So how can public school:

• Motivate our children

• Educate our children

• Make the American Educational Goal “AUTONOMY” (self-governing)

The answer: Is SO Simple! See my next story “America’s Educational Dilemma”.

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