Visions: The New Age Teacher

Sleeping half-moonIn the New Age, the “burden of education” will be placed on each child.  This will enable public school teachers to develop and build on their own education to serve as strong ‘guides’ for children.Rainbow

Enjoy!Red rose Sincerely, Gwen Newclear The PoetPrincess


The New Age Teacher

Early education will be changing dramatically in the New Age. The “Burden of Education” will be the responsibility of the child. So where does this leave the Public School Teacher? Well, let me tell you, the Public School Teacher will be the most desirable position in the world. The role of the Public School Teacher:

  • To inspire education by setting example
  • To guide children on their education journey

Since autonomy (the ability to self-govern) will be the goal of the student; a teacher may only serve as a guide:

I cannot teach you anything, I can only make you think. —–Socrates

So how does a teacher inspire and guide children on their educational journey? The answer to this question is very simple for me to answer: Toastmasters International.

The primary function of the Public School Teacher will be to incorporate Toastmasters International as the focal point of education. Toastmasters International is an internationally accepted program for excellent reasons. The primary focus of Toastmasters is Leadership with emphasis on self-governing: the two goals of the New Age Public School Student. In my story “Kindergarten Toastmasters” I will outline how to implement Toastmasters at this level (5 years old). I will get it to this level and the Public School System working with Harvard University, the Jason Project and Toastmasters International will fill in the blanks for all other levels.

To transition into the New Age, early education school will require teachers and principals to attend their own Toastmasters’ clubs at school to obtain an understanding of how the program works. I recommend “teaching professionals” to use this time to:

  • Visualize how their students might run their own Toastmasters Club
  • Be TRUTHFUL about the past and present: what works and what doesn’t work
  • Experience the Toastmasters’ experience as a means to inspire friendship among students — set the example by being friends with each other (teachers & principal)
  • Compile “Best Ideas” to be presented at higher educational levels

The daily experience that public school teachers have is valuable and will assist in the successful implementation of Toastmasters International into lower level education.

One of my recommendations for implementing Toastmasters is to have written work presented orally and/or with visual aids such as Microsoft’s PowerPoint. This will require students to write well and it will reduce tedious wasted effort of our teachers.

Parental involvement during this instructional segment of the day will be minimal. Parents will only converse with the teacher at scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences. Any parental grievances, complaints or concerns other than what is expressed at these conferences must be taken up with the school principal. Hopefully, the principal may satisfy most parental concerns through the scouting portion of the day. The objective is to free and empower our teachers so that they may focus on the needs of their individual students. The reason for incorporating Scouting and military presence into the public school system is to protect our teachers as well as our students. The scouting portion of the day will work to provide parental involvement. It is imperative for the child to have his instructional time away from his parents.


The instructional and scouting portions of the day will work to provide “checks and balances” so that no child is left behind and ALL children will have “Equal Opportunity” for education. The reason for Toastmasters and Scouting is to keep uniformity throughout the system. Both of these programs inspire autonomy and individuality: providing equal opportunity supporting our US Constitution. But most of all: these two programs have a proven track record and have gained International Acceptance. This plan works to support President Bush’s “War on Terrorism”. In fact, I see it as his BEST WEAPON. Yes; there is something in it for EVERYONE. It is a “Very Christian” approach supporting our Christian Constitution.

Notice that I have not “spelled out” any requirements for the early education teacher. This was not an oversight; it was intentional mainly because it is not for me to decide. But I would like to leave you with a story to think about and reflect on as we transition into a New Age in Education:

America’s greatest president was Abraham Lincoln. He only had about two years of formal education. His mother was illiterate, his step-mother was illiterate, and his one teacher for two years was half-literate. And yet, Abraham Lincoln was fully literate and rose to be the greatest leader of the greatest Nation. He was a self-taught, self-made man: proving that education is about self-learning and self-governing. It is very interesting to note WHO Abraham Lincoln credits for his education:

Everything I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. ——- Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln only had two books available to him: The Bible and Aesop’s Fables. Education is mostly about ethics: belief. A person need not even be literate to be a teacher. The most important part of education is to inspire good ethics. It is not just “consequence” that America’s Motto is:


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