Archive for category Poetry Nights 2

POETRY NIGHTS 2: First Night: Poems 2 & 3

Beauty in Surrender

If all good things come from God; why on earth would we ever want to be without Him?

Discuss beauty and how “focus on beauty” helps to overcome:

  • Anger
  • Sickness
  • Depression
Beauty in Surrender
To be with God in silence
Is beauty to enhance:
In nature,
Of His creation
So deserving of appreciation.
I let Him lead my desire to be:
My service for His Glory;
This desire fulfilling inside of me
Brings me closer to Him: my Liberty.
Oh, Beauty is in Surrender;
Of this I daily remember.
Gwen Newclear The Poet


Beauty for Godliness
Oh, Beauty goes to enhance!
But we must guard against self-indulgence.
To keep ourselves feeling good;
There are aspects of living to focus; oh, we should;
Those things that are Godly;
And silence
For a Godly influence.
Oh, Beauty must and ought
Elevate our thought
To be with Him;
That we may better serve Him.
To Serve with Gladness —
Our beauty must express.
Gwen Newclear The Poet

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POETRY NIGHTS 2: First Night: Poem 1

To Be Forgiven

The challenging part of the Lord’s Prayer is to “forgive others — forgive our enemies”. The best reason for us not to be judgmental is so that we will be forgiven of our own sins and iniquities. Discuss how forgiveness works as freedom in your home life, your work life, and in this nation.

To Be Forgiven
Oh, I want to be forgiven;
So I say the Lord’s Prayer often.
And with all my heart,
When I get to this part:
Forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass
Against us . . .
I pause and proclaim,
“And I forgive everyone!” — yes, I claim
Forgiveness in everyone so that on me;
God will show mercy.
And then not to risk pride and fall;
I end by asking God to “Have mercy on us all.”
Gwen Newclear The Poet

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POETRY NIGHTS 2: First Night: The Lord’s Prayer

Welcome back to Poetry Nights. We are going to begin this series by surrendering to God through Jesus Christ. Why?

ANSWER: By accepting Christ as our personal Saviour, we come to value our own life as well as the lives of others: the essential belief for a successful American Democratic Government.

The Lord’s Prayer

The best and most efficient way to surrender to God is through the Lord’s Prayer: the prayer that Jesus Christ taught us. This prayer not only surrenders our lives to God as a country (Our Father . . .; /We the People . . . .); but it also teaches us how to live: one day at a time. The Lord’s Prayer is a prayer of freedom: free to know that we are forgiven by a loving father; free from tyranny because we belong to an awesome God, and free because our American motto is: In God We Trust.

I pray this prayer at least twice a day and the times in my life that I felt that I was confused and “off the path of Godliness”, I simply pray the Lord’s Prayer and ask God to open my eyes to His ways.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive those our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.
In Jesus’ name

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New Poem: Spring

Sleeping half-moonOne theme for this year’s Poetry Nights is change.  Change in our lives is as natural as change in nature, just as each season brings about new changes.  So this year I will be writing about the seasons and obviously, I will not be finished writing about the seasons until after this winter.  I plan to have a section on my website called Seasons and this is where I plan to keep Holidays as subtitles.  In the meantime, I have finished and created a webpage with my newest poem:  Spring

Change is natural and it can be wonderful; but it creates stress.  This is “kind of” the topic of this poem;  and it fits with the overall theme of focusing on our health to overcome trauma and stress.

Enjoy!Red rose

Sincerely, Gwen Newclear The PoetNerd smile

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