Visions: Newclear Public School

Sleeping half-moonThis outlines my ideas of “a first step” in getting “real education” down to lower levels; freeing all citizens. 

Of course, this is a general outline with the purpose of leading our young people to establish full autonomy by age 16 (living separate and independent from parents; and standing accountable for their actions).Smile

Enjoy!Red rose  Gwen Newclear The PoetPrincess


Newclear Public School

Public School Evolving:  Meeting the Needs of the American People


Presenting The Newclear Plan:

New Age Education in America granting ALL Americans LIBERTY!

Our American Government Buildings are Beautiful

American Public Schools must be the most beautiful buildings in America


A beautiful time to cherish;

The time America will bring its children to God.

New Age Schools will include boarding facilities for:

• Children who are victims of family crisis

• Children who need more assistance

• Visiting students for specialized education


New Age Public School will be grades K through 8th (ages 5 – 14).

Intermediate school and high school will be eliminated.

All children will graduate from Public School and enter: Military College Academy (a boarding facility separate from parents). Students will graduate at 16:

• With an AA degree in the English Language

• Completed college level general education

• A driver’s license

• Two years community service work experience

• Enough money to make a down payment on a car


Sites for New Age Schools:

• Existing elementary and intermediate schools will serve as sites for New Age Public School.

• Existing high schools and junior colleges will serve as existing sites for mandatory Military College (where all students will graduated at age 16).


Public Schools will include:

24 Hour Day Care for ALL ages


Nursing Staff available to assist ALL:

• infants

• mothers

• expectant mothers


Infants and toddlers (pre-school) age; this an adorable and a wondrous time that can also be stressful and taxing even for healthy, strong mothers. The demands of motherhood can be downright “exhausting”! Educating and providing stimulating entertainment for toddlers is fun and imaginative, but can also be costly and a major time investment; and it can be messy, placing unnecessary demands on young growing families.

Time away from mom can be a healthy experience. Public School Day Care provides a “safe place” for toddlers to learn to know and trust others. Young children provide leadership for infants and toddlers, serving family and community. 5-year-olds share many interests with toddlers making them great playmates (leaders).

Children will care for and maintain their beautiful schools as part of their education.


The Toastmaster Room: will be the most elegant, state-of-the-art technology room of each New Age Public School. It will be a place of REVERANCE and RESPECT. The knowledge that; “Their turn at the podium is coming” makes Toastmasters a wonderful place for American children to learn:

Humility & Respect



Public School will serve to:

• Support families

• Provide a safe 24 hour environment

• Monitor and assist with health throughout the community


It is never too early to encourage independent learning.

Reading out loud, story-telling, presentation of personal works, and discussion of works should be encouraged at ALL levels of education. LISTENING to the written word helps to develop reading skills and aids children in discerning: poor writing from quality writing.

Writing is thinking.


Journal writing emphasizes that ALL writing is based on personal experience: Autobiographical.

It also encourages self-exploration which is the essence of education.

Opinion is power. —– Thomas Jefferson


Group hands-on-learning encourages cooperation, respect and sharing ideas.

A marching band is an opportunity to be “A Part of the Whole”. Achievement and success comes with rehearsal, talent, practice, and working with others.


The book that the US Constitution is based on, The Bible: will be made available in Public School.

Education enriches our personal life.

A Poet Museum with be included in American Government continuing to make education available to all Americans.

A Poet Museum: is a place to share Self-Exploration (education) for the rest of our lives.

A Poet Museum is about Living.

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